!ich fahre in urlaub, also vermiete ich die wohnung, damit sie nicht leer steht. Vienna, Austria Beautiful and quiet small apartment Entire rental unit vacation rental 653266210813579289
!ich fahre in urlaub, also vermiete ich die wohnung, damit sie nicht leer steht.!everything is very close and you can get everywhere quickly because the apartment is in a great location. just 13 minutes from the center of Stefansplatz and 15 minutes from Schloss Schönbrunn. Bus stop and train station (U4) just one minute from the apartment.supermarkets, restaurants, tobacco shops, cafes, pizzerias and MCdonalds just one minute from the apartment. The apartment is suitable for one or two people
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Private apartment for you! Vienna, Austria Beautiful and quiet small apartment Entire rental unit vacation rental best price 653266210813579289
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["Iron", "Washer", "Dedicated workspace", "Security cameras on property", "Dishes and silverware", "Refrigerator", "Kitchen", "Dryer", "Coffee maker", "Hair dryer", "Cable TV", "HDTV with premium cable, Netflix, standard cable", "Wifi", "Heating"]